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MPR News and Next Generation Radio


claire-interviewing2Next Generation Radio is a series of one-week student radio training projects co-sponsored by NPR member stations and several journalist and media organizations. The projects are designed to give students who are interested in radio and journalism an opportunity to report and produce their own radio and multimedia stories. Our own Laura Yuen of MPR News participated as a mentor and shared her admiration on the students' work:"On Saturday, the students presented their audio stories at the annual convention for College Broadcasters, Inc. The final products made me incredibly proud, yes, but also won my admiration. I’ve lived in Minnesota for more than a decade and was surprised to learn so much about my own community. These non-narrated pieces focused on individuals doing extraordinary things: a Minneapolis woman reclaiming lacrosse for the indigenous people who invented it, a Hmong community member sharing his personal tale of exodus and rebuilding, a blind woman who’s learning literally to find her way, a Native American kid who’s attending a magnet school that’s trying to close the achievement gap, and more."Explore the Next Generation Radio stories online.NPR Next Generation 2015 mentors in the Twin Cities. From left: Amara Aguilar (USC Annenberg), Kyle Stokes (KPLU), Melissa Gerr (Mid-Atlantic Media), Robert Boos (Metropolitan State University), Deanna Garcia (WESA), Traci Tong (PRI’s The World), Phyllis Fletcher (Northwest News Network), Scott Tong (Marketplace), Doug Mitchell (Next Generation Radio), Tom Krymkowski, Laura Yuen (Minnesota Public Radio News).  

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